Mobility Plan 2045

6 Total Comments for 09-239
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
This project is necessary for the safety of Blount county residents and workers because of recent development that is increasing and will continue to increase traffic. We should address existing needs before using our limited road funds for new roads.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
Montvale Road in another very narrow highway with lots of traffic. The drop-offs on the edges of the road are very severe in many sections and make it one of the most dangerous roads in the county. This road has become an artery for bike traffic to the foothills parkway, but riding a bike on this road and others (Sevierville Road, Mint Road, e.g.) is taking one's life in one's hands. Any improvement plan to widen any of these older roads should also consider adding bike lanes to make it much safer. More and more residents and visitors like to ride bikes in the county and the state should make an effort to make that activity as safe as possible. Not all bike riders want to use the Greenways in the cities.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
Montvale Road in another very narrow highway with lots of traffic. The drop-offs on the edges of the road are very severe in many sections and make it one of the most dangerous roads in the county. This road has become an artery for bike traffic to the foothills parkway, but riding a bike on this road and others (Sevierville Road, Mint Road, e.g.) is taking one's life in one's hands. Any improvement plan to widen any of these older roads should also consider adding bike lanes to make it much safer. More and more residents and visitors like to ride bikes in the county and the state should make an effort to make that activity as safe as possible. Not all bike riders want to use the Greenways in the cities.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
This is another narrow rural road that is unsafe and needs improvement.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
This is a worthwhile project, in a area of growth.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Widening
Much needed improvements that I wholeheartedly support. But why stop the buffered bicycle and pedestrian pathways at the city limits. These need to be extended all the way out to Six Mile Rd per the additional project to provide for these modes of transportation. Montvale Rd is part of the state wide bicycle trails, so please improve it for cyclists. Also, include the improvement of existing underpasses to become wildlife crossings for a number of species. We are on the edge of the GSMNP, Foothills Parkway, and in a hot spot of biodiversity. I'm not seeing anything in this plan to address and help protect wildlife. Do it right! Thanks!