Mobility Plan 2045

8 Total Comments for 19-703
Jamestowne Boulevard Study
The current intersection at Kingston Pike/Campbell Station Road is at capacity, with no additional space between the Campbell Station Inn (historic) and commercial development for additional lanes.
Jamestowne Boulevard Study
This helps connect the busiest portions of the system safely.
Jamestowne Boulevard Study
The Kingston Pike / Campbell Station intersection is a traffic battle with constant stacking, a bypass would be a big relief for this area. It is also tough to walk or bike across this intersection do to the constant turning of cars.
Jamestowne Boulevard Study
definitely needed
Jamestowne Boulevard Study
With the recent and forthcoming attractions at Kingston Pike and Campbell Station Rd, I imagine that intersection will become even more congested. Alternative routes would be great to alleviate some of this traffic.
Jamestowne Boulevard Study
May relieve congestion at the K-P and CS intersection perhaps resulting in a more comfortable pedestrian experience. Lots to walk to now down there.
Jamestowne Boulevard Study
Such improvements (i. e. volume boosting) are inevitable. Hopefully it can be done while preserving the pastoral character of Jamestowne.
Jamestowne Boulevard Study
connectivity is important in every area of our community. This project would provide for a more connected center of Farragut, as they work toward creating a pedestrian oriented town center.