Mobility Plan 2045

9 Total Comments for Regional
Bike Parking
Anything to encourage more bike riding and less cars.
ETHRA Transit Vehicle Replacement Project
Contract this service out
ETHRA Transit Vehicle Replacement Project
I live in Blount County and am in favor of the following projects for improving safety and growth in my area of TN, as well as increased use of Greenways:Mobility Plan Numbers: 09-231, 13-214, 13-215, 13-216, 13-218, 09-216, 09-644, 09-653, 17-202, 17-201, 18-202, 19-201, 21-100, 21-1002, 21-201, 21-204, 09-211, 09-214.
Bike Parking
I work downtown during non covid times. I would really appreciate bike parking downtown.
Bike Parking
I'm a big fan of increased bike parking! This is very helpful for me to be an active consumer in Downtown.
ETHRA Transit Vehicle Replacement Project
Increased use of transit is essential to reduce carbon emissions and provide better access to jobs and support seri.
Bike Parking
Provides needed safety infrastructure.
TPO Pavement Mgmt
Some resurfacing projects appear to be neglected for too long and this affects people's vehicles over the duration of daily travel. A program that provides uniform priority for projects could lead to better organized Q's for resurfacing projects.
ETHRA Transit Vehicle Replacement Project
The Karns community is in need of infrastructure improvements throughout due to a sharp increase in population from the addition of several subdivisions built in the area.