Mobility Plan 2045

4 Total Comments for 21-603
Strawberry Plains Pike Improvements
Don't travel this area much so I don't know much other than there is now trucking/distribution expansion there and so I suspect additional road infrastructure is needed.
Strawberry Plains Pike Improvements
Are sidewalks and bike lanes going to be included in this widening project? Every time a road is altered, sidewalks should be added to promote more active lifestyles within the community. I live in this area and would love to be able to walk/bike to places in my community rather than drive because I don't feel as though it is safe.Also, Pine Grove Road/Hammer Road seems to be serving as a cut through to John Sevier from Strawberry Plains and visa versa. How will this road widening affect traffic on surroundong roads like Pine Grove?
Strawberry Plains Pike Improvements
Good idea if we have 40 mil available
Strawberry Plains Pike Improvements
Probably going to be necessary with Amazon center going there.