Mobility Plan 2045

5 Total Comments for 09-249
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Reconstruction
This road between Blockhouse and 6 Mile Road is extremely dangerous and is in dire need of improvement. Guard rails are needed NOW. There are places where there is an almost sheer drop off at the edge of pavement of 10' or more.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Reconstruction
This project is necessary for the safety of Blount county residents and workers because of recent development that is increasing and will continue to increase traffic. We should address existing needs before using our limited road funds for new roads.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Reconstruction
This narrow rural road is dangerous.
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Reconstruction
This is a heavily used road too narrow for current traffic
Montvale Rd (SR-336) Reconstruction
As a longtime resident of Six Mile, this particular project is much needed to handle the ever increasing traffic on Montvale Road from development, businesses, motorcyclists, and bicyclists. PLEASE add buffered bicycle/pedestrian path into this project. This is part of the statewide bicycle trail and its extremely dangerous for cyclist at this time. Also, its impossible to walk safely on this road, even if it's just a short walk. Do it right, make it safe for all modes of transportation.